
The idea, the objective, the perseverance

TOSO Radiatori is born in 1969 as a family business and through a development path devoted to quality, innovation and excellence of the production process, grows and consolidates itself from a small mechanical workshop to a strong and sound
company reality.

An industrial productive structure, with cutting-edge technologies, in which the craft character is a fundamental component. High organizational and productive flexibility able to allow completely customized solutions, capable of satisfying the needs and desires of an increasingly attentive and demanding user.

The continuous attention to customer satisfaction, collaboration with clients and suppliers, professionalism, knowledge, pursuit of innovation in the processes and the products, constitute the soul of our work.

Values that we do not want to renounce, in the knowledge that only by following these paths any result can be achieved.

“You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality”.

Walter Elias Disney

Contact us


The activity provides production and marketing of radiators combining technology and formal presence, becoming real design objects, sources of wellness and aesthetic pleasure.

Much more than a simple heat source but real furnishings, able to customize and complete one’s surroundings.

We offer wall mounted decorative radiators and towel warmers installable vertically and horizontally, or freestanding that can be placed at will inside the room.

Made with materials such as carbon steel
or stainless steel, aluminum, brass, cast iron and glass.

Work with hydraulic, electric or mixed system.

Available in a wide range of sizes with round, square or flat lines.

Presented in an extensive set of chromatic variants with gloss, matte, smooth, wrinkled, metallic, or galvanic finish.

A range of products that is in constant evolution both from the aesthetic point of view and for the technological and material research. However, it remains fundamental that design and functionality balance each other to create products not only beautiful to the eye but also usable and efficient.

“When a product is made by people that believe their job is important, it will be for sure
a high quality product”.

Pehr G. Gyllenhammar


Entirely Made in Italy

Each phase of the production is accomplished in the factory of Riese Pio X (Treviso), a few kilometers from Venice.

Not only the production but also the design, the research and the development of new solutions and products are the results of the work of our own team.
Quality is always the constant objective of our work.
Quality as a synonym of exceptional attention to details, present in every business process from the use of materials of the best reliability, to the creation of the radiator, up to customer service.

Quality, guaranteed by a product ENTIRELY MADE IN ITALY.

Choosing a TOSO radiator means choosing a product 100% MADE IN ITALY.

Discover our products


Our customers’ success is our success.

“Winning companies turn their customers into winners too. The shrewdest companies are constantly creating new value for customers, they are deeply oriented towards the customer and the satisfaction of the customer’s needs. They create innovative solutions for their customers”.

Philip Kotler


  • Net Center

Net Center

By |July 29th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

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